Modern Estate Planning

Our Estate Planning Team helps families avoid probate, protect minor children, mitigate estate taxes, and accomplish other critical goals.

Your time is valuable - click below to get started on a new or improved estate plan.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

-Benjamin Franklin

Estate Planning

Estate planning is the preparation of documents and plans to cope with eventual loss of capacity and/or death. Our Estate Planning Team offers pragmatic, cost-effective estate plans for Oregon clients using the industry leading WealthCounsel estate planning application and resources.

Many people delay estate planning because they believe it will be tedious, time-consuming, and expensive. We have designed our practice to instead be interesting, efficient, and affordable.

An effective estate plan is a great investment in your family's future. We believe in transparent pricing; our Estate Planning Fee Schedule is available online.

We offer office, video, and phone consultations for new and returning estate planning clients. Many of our clients have been referred by friends or family we have previously provided estate planning services to. Most consultations take approximately 50 minutes. The estate planning process usually takes 1-2 months to complete. You may schedule an estate planning consultation using our scheduling app and then complete our estate planning intake questionnaire prior to the consultation.